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March 6, 2007
The Economic Development Commission held a special meeting on Tuesday, March 6, 2007 at the Multi-Purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT. Chairman Chet Hopper called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.
PRESENT: Chet Hopper, Robert Rau, Tom Long, Theodore Kreinik, Robert Morey, Joseph Hemingway, Kim Danziger ABSENT: Brian Aumueller ALSO PRESENT: William Carboni, Spath Bjorklund Assoc., Conservation Commission member Mary Kaley
Tech Park Agency: Mr. Carboni of Spath Bjorklund Assoc. presented his report on the current draft plan for the Tech Park which is plan 2607. He explained that this plan was chosen over the other plans because of the good road access while maximizing the plan to develop 10 sites. He explained that there will be one (1) parking space for every 350 sq. ft. of industrial area. Truck loading docks are in the rear of each lot. The development was designed to be as far from the wetlands and Deep Brook as possible.
He explained that soil types are graded from A to D with A being the highest permeable and D the lowest. There is no development on A soil and the B soils have the least development on them. Type C soil has the most development
Under 5,000 sq. ft. of wetlands are affected. The State Corps of Engineers allows a general permit for the category of under 5,000 sq. ft. There is no direct discharge into Deep Brook. Runoff is discharged in two different ways, into a basin and over land into the wetlands area. Thermal pollution is limited and the water is treated for sedimentation. The swale is designed to accommodate rainfall for a 2” storm. The water will be held and stored then percolated back to the basin. All rainfall up to 1” will be stored at each site. Each parking lot has a containment system (Crystal Stream). It’s a multi-faceted system for containment of spills.
The State uses a 100’ buffer zone. All sites will be in excess of 100’. Mr. Carboni explained the lot characteristics. (Attachment A). Mr. Morey asked how the size of the lots were determined. Mr. Carboni said it was what would fit on the lots with maximum usage. There is a limit of disturbance line and that is not exceeded which will allow for fast tracking of the permitting process for applicants.
Mr. Hopper asked how often we have a 1”, 2”, 3” or 4” rain? Mr. Carboni said there are two different things, hydrology and storm events. A two (2) year storm event is 3.3”, a ten (10) year storm is 5.5”. All storms up to 2” can be contained and percolated over land to wetlands. Hydrology is for small storms. Mr. Kreinik asked what provisions were made for larger storms. Mr. Carboni explained that the first 1.6” of rain is contained in the soil. Over that amount runs off for storage which is designed for 2”. Storms in excess are designed for flow conditions for a ten (10) year storm. Mr. Kreinik would like a cost estimate done for a fifty (50) year storm. Mr. Carboni said that is in excess of the Town’s requirements but he will cost it out.
Mr. Long asked if there are any type A soils on Tech Park land. Mr. Carboni said that there is but there is not any development on them. They will stayed preserved. The sediment removal is now at 95% as opposed to 80%.
Mr. Hemingway asked if all of the road drainage will go to the basin. Mr. Carboni replied that it would. Mr. Hemingway stated that in that case the road can be constructed first.
Mr. Danzinger said that the design for annual storms can be looked at site specific. If we exceed a ten (10) year storm the lower area of the park will be affected over the cul-de-sac. The Commission may need to address that area with vegetation and plantings. Mr. Carboni stated that larger curbing and a by-pass channel could carry water over land. The curbs can be redesigned and a dyke type system could be used. The planting plan is for vegetation designed for water run-off with high root uptakes. Trees will prevent a thermal increase. The plantings will also prevent invasive species. The biologist working with Mr. Carboni feels that the hayfields should be mowed once a year.
Mr. Long questioned the water detention system. Mr. Carboni explained that the peak flow from the Tech Park will already be through the system before other run-off arrives. Mr. Long asked what the buffer zone sizes are. Mr. Carboni said that the combined zones are all 140’ – 460’. Mr. Long asked where the plantings will be. Mr. Carboni answered that they will all be in zone three (3). A walking path is possible to link to Al’s Trail.
Mr. Carboni stated that the Commission needs to have the Traffic Engineer do the traffic counts as soon as possible while the schools are still in session.
Mr. Danziger moved to engage a Traffic Engineer to do a traffic study based on the current configuration. Motion seconded. Unanimously approved.
Mr. Hemingway moved to have Mr. Carboni present the current draft plan to the State Corps of Engineers to determine what permit category the Tech Park will be in. Motion seconded. Unanimously approved.
Mr. Kreinik expressed the need for a fiscal impact report to be done as soon as possible. Mr. Hopper stated the Community Development Director, Elizabeth Stocker is in the process of preparing it.
Mr. Danziger moved to proceed with the presentation of the current draft plan 2607 to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Inland Wetlands Commission, the Conservation Commission and staff. One public forum will be held. Three (3) workshops will follow with members from the Planning and Zoning Commission, Inland Wetlands Commission, the Conservation Commission and staff joining EDC members with no Commission having a quorum. Motion seconded. Unanimously approved.
Mr. Hemingway left the meeting at this time.
Sub Committee Tech Park Uses/Architecture/Ambiance:
Mr. Rau, Mr. Morey and Mr. Kreinik reported that their committee has met four (4) times. They met once with Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman, William O’Neil who advised the Commission to create a separate zone for the Tech Park. They also met once with Conservation Commission member Pat Barkman. Ms. Barkman has concerns for the Aquifer Protection. She is also concerned with Deep Brook which she says has risen to six (6) feet with surges. The committee discussed the uses they feel should be permitted, additional uses will be discussed and the committee will continue to meet. Mr. Danziger will investigate the regulations that were used for the Berkshire Corporate Park.
Other Sub-Committees for Tech Park:
The RFP’s for the Market Analysis for the Tech Park have been received. Responses were submitted by four (4) firms. Mr. Long, Mr. Rau and Mr. Hopper will review the proposals and report back to the Commission.
EDC Web Site with link to Tech Park:
Mr. Long reported that he and Ms. Stocker had received one (1) response in addition to the current web master. Further research will be done. Mr. Kreinik would like to have a FAQ link on the site for the Tech Park.
TNT Business Incentive Plan:
The Legislative Council will act on the plan at their meeting on Wednesday, March 7, 2007. Mr. Hopper will attend the meeting in support of their application.
Mr. Morey moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded and unanimously carried. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m.
Mary Kelley, Clerk